The Buddha attained Awakening through fully exploring ‘embodiment’ – that is the somatic intelligence that we are all equipped with. In today’s world, with the profound disembodiment of telecommunications, and high-speed lifestyles, this teaching offers an essential path to regain emotional stability and develop a way of living harmoniously on the Earth.
This talk will offer a review of this approach and suggest practical means to cultivate an embodied perspective.
The entrance fee is payable to our bank account or via Paypal (for online participation):
Bank details: Buddhistische Akademie Berlin Brandenburg
IBAN-Nr: DE 53430 60967 11338 34901 (send)
Link zum Event:
Buddhistische Akademie Berlin Brandenburg
T. 030 639 646 16
10€, concessions 5€
in English without translation
Meeting-ID: 891 5725 5761
Kenncode: BAkademie
Born in London in 1949, Ajahn Sucitto became a bhikkhu in Thailand in 1976. He took up training under Ajahn Sumedho on returning to Britain in 1978. He has been teaching retreats in Britain and overseas since 1981, and many of his books, podcasts, audio files and CDs are freely available from the websites below.